Family EngagementOur School Community
Family Engagement
Since 1968, when Highland Community School was born, we have depended on our parent body’s knowledge, experience, dedication, strength, and resilience. The Montessori philosophy encompasses the theory of developing the “whole child.” As part of that vision, we realize how greatly our children grow with the support of their whole families.

Ways our families contribute to our school:
- Serving on the Parent Board of Directors
- Joining a Committee
- Becoming a Room Parent
- Coaching a Sport
- Leading a Club
- Attending parent-teacher conferences
- Organizing, volunteering for, and attending community events
- Serving as a volunteer librarian in the school library
- Volunteering at the Book Fair & the Hustle
- Contributing Classroom Snacks
- Reading to students in the classroom
- Making/repairing materials
- Chaperoning field trips
- And so much more….
Children with involved parents are more likely to:
- Attend school regularly
- Have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well to school
- Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs
- Be promoted, pass their classes, and earn credits
- Graduate and go on to postsecondary education
Benefits of parent-invement activities for parents include:
- More confidence in the school
- Higher teacher expectations of their children
- Higher teacher opinions of themselves as parents
- More self-confidence
Commitment to Community
Community hours are the many ways that parents and other family members get involved throughout the year.
It is this dedication of time that makes Highland a community; each morning and afternoon, parents are in the building meeting with teachers, picking up their morning coffee in the cafe, and chatting in the halls. Parents organize events, initiate projects, open their homes up for meet-ups and support our students with their time and effort. Dedicated Teachers + Involved Families = Student Success.